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Black Mamba Album Art Black Mamba Cut Hands Cover

Mimsy DeBlois


Featuring a atomic number 82 motif from the Yaneka painting (used on the comprehend of the Black Mamba anthology), these stunning 100% cotton fiber jersey shirts are individually manus-painted with high-quality textile paints + affixed with custom labels + swing tags, similar our other designs.
Worn as is or (my personal preference) cut + cropped, as you can see, these pieces are actually special.
Bachelor in S, M, 50, + Forty for $42 Usa/$48 worldwide, with Gratis shipping, or whatsoever two shirts for $74 United states/$86 worldwide, Complimentary shipping. PayPal is
Please experience gratuitous to write in to me if y'all have any other questions nearly the shirts, paintings, or anything else!

BLACK MAMBA  The brand new Cut Hands : Black Mamba CD for sale with free art postcards from yours truly!  just $17.99 to US addresses with FREE shipping - PayPal payments to  As always, feel free to write in for more information!


The make new Cut Hands : Blackness Mamba CD for sale with free fine art postcards from yours truly!
just $17.99 to US addresses with FREE shipping - PayPal payments to
As always, experience free to write in for more information!



This week has sounded thrilling, perhaps excessively so, as I've managed to grab the kind of cold that comes from inattentive susceptibility - brazenly nether-dressing or some other flagrant willingness to play viral host. The abandon is well worth it. Being simply in favor of voluptuous disarray, however, + decidedly not of ataxia, I've compiled a catalog of vévé paintings to engagement. Hullo-res photos + complete information in a smashing discrete alternative to scrolling through spider web pages. Please download at !
Mimsy xx


An overgrown pure black true cat stood determinedly in my path yesterday in the eye of a familiar neighborhood grown over with the uncanny moss of clammy light that comes between intermittent rain showers.

Or, that unique composure of existence drawn out of slumber past crystalline awareness of a faucet in the darkened bathroom opening and closing with a metallic hiss. Nothing in that location + the room'southward not empty.

There's an edge of hysteria to all the vividly dying foliage that creeps up against the steady barriers of peripheral vision - you could just sink into the basis all soupy proteins at any 2nd, sliding neatly into earthy pores.

Information technology's been a magical flavour so far. A dose of ritual immersion on the equinox tin't have injure, + a sure occasion exactly one month in can't but sustain the mood …

Mimsy xx


The stock of our first edition limited edition Cutting Hands sleeveless shirts having run alarmingly low, we at present introduce our exclusive NEW RANGE of T-shirts!

Each beautiful ultra-soft 100% cotton wool bailiwick of jersey garment is manus-painted with a signature Cut Easily vévé design in the highest quality fabric pigments available + affixed with custom label + swing tags. Sizes currently bachelor are unisex South, Grand, L, + Twoscore.

These shirts are guaranteed stunners worn equally-is or (my personal preference) cut + cropped, they're a little bit dearer than most and a LOT more special.

Bachelor now for $42 to the United states/$48 international orders via PayPal ( - worldwide shipping included

Feel free to write to me for more information!

Mimsy xx


Magical week split betwixt prowling multilevel esoteric shops in the nearly marine recesses of New England + a fortuitous (I swear) full-frontal run-in with Folsom St Fair 2012 … all of which simply ornamentation splayed attractively around a Black Mamba centerpiece idol.

The upshot plus some more prosaic matters is, your generally faithful lady artist has been somewhat absent. No longer, of course - guilt owned + penance paid, I shall resume revelation of the work that has somehow gone on despite (because of?) successive days of rarefied titillation … xx

CUT HANDS : BLACK MAMBA CD - official release date 22/10/12 !!!!  More information at  xx


Here, immoderate glee at the emergence of excessively early on Hallowe'en paraphernalia + arcane fixation on consuming the darkest, nearly subterranean and occult of plants as a staple diet. In the space of a day: empathizing with a growling rubber werewolf that shivers + spits jets of suspect-looking warm water (an intentional part? the display box worryingly failed to elaborate) + going into paroxysms of delight at the discovery of black string beans to accompany purplish-night kale in a thoroughly eldritch meal, similar common biting + digestion, of + by the earth itself.

Thrilled by all the inquiries and messages I take been receiving of late, I welcome and indeed encourage yet more, especially from those who might wish to share a glimpse of their own, sympathetically-inclined artworks - ever eager for such communicative stimuli!  + more, more than to come … xx


Construction in the Mind is fully soluble, lost in the wake of Tidal waves, in memory of the original return. Spirit is attainable, excited in this Shape-Shifting grade, adapted to the array of marine internal logic.

Another painting that inspired art used in the Cut Easily Afro Noise I anthology! This startling effigy, at once impassioned + transcendent, is here depicted in artist quality oils + select obscure additions on a 16''x16'' canvas, and is $950 (worldwide insured airmail shipping included). Please write to me at for more information, and remain piqued for further disclosures hither … xx


Small signs of the approaching dying-off of fall - the cheerful and life-affirming decay of which season tin can only be likened accordingly in my listen to the intoxicating + horrific stench of depression-tide - keep straying into my path, my personal favorite thus far being a great ovoid mass, reaching a height midway to my knee, of bright orange mushrooms on someone's carefully manicured lawn: an orgiastic eruption or expansion obviously fabricated lividly manifest overnight and already in the throes of fragrant self-digestion later on what I can only presume was a brief and furious mass coupling.  My delight at such uncouth proliferation knows no premises…

On which notation, I persist in my ain creeping occupation of space and thing, a very central characteristic of which process is enjoying correspondence and inquiries both from those interested in the paintings and garments displayed here (thank you lot for all your lovely messages!) as well as from those engaged in sympathetic forms of creation - I would beloved to hear from y'all + run into your work!  This witch seeks a more than populous coven … xx
