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Blacks Can Use N Word Byt Whates Cant

Editor's note: Columnist Greg Moore urged The Arizona Republic to publish the racist slur, rather than substituting it with "the N-word," on the basis that "the slur is vile and hurtful" and that "we need to remember that when we discuss it." The use, however, conflicts with our standards. We believe it doesn't add to the understanding or discussion of the incident.

Call me the N-word at your own risk.

That's not a threat implying that I might stuff you in the nearest trash can for directing such a slur my way. Rather, it's a declaration that I've got options since the law is on my side.

A Scottsdale real estate agent who angrily told a Black man that they were in a "no (N-word) zone," has been arrested for disorderly conduct.

It's a rare moment of peace for anti-racists and diversity advocates in a city that's home to Councilman Guy Phillips, who mocked COVID-19 victims and Black Lives Matter protesters at a rally where he snatched off his mask and yelled, "I can't breathe!" (Phillips could be voted out on Nov. 3, by the way.)

The Black man, YouTuber Andre "LILAJDRE" Abram, was standing on the sidewalk and getting ready to film a video in Old Town Scottsdale, which isn't a crime.

Paul Ng, because he's a racist, became suspicious and took it upon himself to confront Abram.

The encounter was recorded

We know what happened next because the subsequent encounter was recorded and shared on social media. It's been viewed tens of thousands of times.

"What's up?" Abram asked. "Why are you coming over here?"

Ng responded, "I just what to see what you guys are taking pictures of."

(Again, this is not a crime. Ng had no reason to come over to see anything.)

"Why is that your business?" Abram asked.

"This is my home," Ng said.

"OK," Abram said. "Mine, too. Why are you taking pictures of me?"

(In fairness, taking pictures of someone on a public sidewalk or street isn't a crime either. But it is creepy.)

"Where do you live?" Ng asked.

"I live in Scottsdale," Abram said. "Why are you taking pictures of me?"

"With Michigan plates?" Ng asked.

(Here again, it's not a crime to be in a vehicle with out-of-state license plates.)

'I'm a racist,' Ng said

Andre Abram, known online as LILAJDRE, took a video of a man telling him the area he was filming in Scottsdale was a "no (N-word) zone" on Oct. 23.

"Yeah," Abram said. "Why are you taking pictures of me?"

"Well, you know what?" Ng said. "We've had problems here."

(This is reaching deep into the racist handbook. That phrase has been used as a justification for all sorts of harassment against Blacks. And regardless of any problems Old Town might or might not have had recently, Ng has no cause to connect them to Abram.)

"I don't care," Abram said. "You don't know me. Why are you taking pictures of me? And I don't know you. Do you know a lot of white men are doing racist things in this world, sir?"

"No," Ng said.

(And what happens here is somewhat remarkable since one would assume by his appearance that Ng is of Asian descent.)

"You don't know that?" Abram said. "You're not aware of that?"

"I'm a racist," Ng said.

"You are a racist?" Abram said.

"I'm a racist, OK?" Ng repeated.

They speak over each other briefly before Abram asks, "Why are you here?"

To which Ng responds, "because this is a no (N-word) zone."

Now I know: I have another option

It escalates from there, before Ng walks away claiming that the young man doing a remarkable job of standing up for himself without resorting to violence "isn't man enough" to handle additional confrontation.

Abram, and a friend he was with, maintained composure throughout.

Business owners in the area reported the incident, prompting police to find Ng at his home and question him.

Ng told the officers that Abram and his friend "looked suspicious" because they had an expensive camera. This was all it took for him to assume they were up to no good.

Scottsdale police followed up and went back to Ng's home over the weekend, asking him whether he was aware that his comments could have provoked a fight.

Ng pretended to not understand and was subsequently arrested, charged and released.

But as a Black man who's been called that word more times than I care to recall, I'm thrilled to learn that I have legal recourse if someone provokes me and tries to goad me into a fight.

All my life, I've thought my only options were to (A) react violently out of emotion at the risk being jailed for assault or (B) walk away and swallow the indignity, hoping against hope that "being the bigger man" was its own reward.

Now, I know that I can just record the aggressor and go to the authorities like any other victim.

Provoking a Black person with the N-word is a crime.

Use that slur at your own risk.

Reach Moore at or 602-444-2236 . Follow him on Instagram and Twitter @WritingMoore .

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Blacks Can Use N Word Byt Whates Cant
